Monday, August 27, 2012

i p h o n e w e e k e n d

once in a while it really hits people
that they don't have to experience the world
in the way they have been told to
alan keightley

saturday was a blast, but i'll save that post for later. sunday we headed to the mountains for some frisbee and fly fish'n, which also ended up including balancing acts and bets on who could still do what gymnastic tricks.
afton and her new hubby travis
not fishing.
which was probably best. i caught her shoe and travis caught junnie's bum. let's just say fly fishing in the wind is tricky.
miss june had a near downing experience in the river which ended with me in the water chin high, fully clothed dragging her out. we decided she had to learn to swim now, so casey and i headed to utah lake.
i can use a few more weekends like this

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